Borough Holiday – President’s Day

West Grove Borough Municipal Building 117 Rosehill Avenue, West Grove, PA, United States

The Borough Office, Maintenance Garage and Sewer Plant will all be closed on Monday, February 20, 2023 for President's Day. Please call the Borough Office at 610-869-2792 for any water or sewer emergencies.

Daylight Savings Time

West Grove Borough Municipal Building 117 Rosehill Avenue, West Grove, PA, United States

Don't forget to set your clocks forward one hour on Sunday, March 12, 2023!

Borough Holiday – Good Friday

West Grove Borough Municipal Building 117 Rosehill Avenue, West Grove, PA, United States

The Borough Office, Maintenance Garage and Sewer Plant will all be closed on Friday, April 7, 2023 for Good Friday. Please call the Borough Office at 610-869-2792 for any water or sewer emergencies.

Primary Election

West Grove Borough Municipal Building 117 Rosehill Avenue, West Grove, PA, United States

Memorial Day Parade

Downtown Parade 117 Rosehill Avenue West Grove, PA 19390, West Grove, PA, United States

Please join us on Saturday, May 25, 2024 for our annual Memorial Day Parade beginning at 9:00 am at the old Avon-Grove High School parking lot. Memorial Day Parade

Borough Holiday – Memorial Day

West Grove Borough Municipal Building 117 Rosehill Avenue, West Grove, PA, United States

The Borough Office, Maintenance Garage and Sewer Plant will all be closed on Monday, May 29, 2023 for Memorial Day. Please call the Borough Office at 610-869-2792 for any water or sewer emergencies.

Trash Pickup Date Change

West Grove Borough Municipal Building 117 Rosehill Avenue, West Grove, PA, United States

Please note that trash and bulk will be picked up in the Borough on Wednesday, May 31, 2023 due to the Memorial Day Holiday.

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