Borough Officials

Stephen Black –

2024-2025 Borough Council:
President – David Prosser
Vice President – Kristin Proto
Bill Temme
Leandria Hall
Shelley Mix
Andrew Toolan
Matthew Glass

Borough Employees:
Greg McCummings, Manager –
Trisha Opio, Administrative Assistant –

Public Works:
Lary Hicks
Eric Schott
James Googins
Brian McNeil
Matt Harper 

Southern Chester County Regional Police Department
-(610)268-2907, Emergencies – Dial 911:

Chief: Joseph Greenwalt –

Lieutenant: Joeseph Versagli –


Tax Collectors:
Wanda Prosser, Tax Collector
P.O. Box 33
West Grove, PA 19390
Hours: Payments can be either mailed to the above P.O. Box
or the hours for the tax collector are Tuesday and Thursday from 2:00-6:00 pm.
July and August by appointment only and Wanda can be reached at 302-379-2276.
If paying in cash you must have the correct amount.  The tax collector does not have change.
This is the yearly Borough taxes.  You will receive a bill in late February of each year.

Keystone Collections Group
546 Wendel Road
Irwin, PA  15642
This is the 1% Earned Income Local Tax.  The PSD code for West Grove Borough is 150107.
The Borough also has a Local Services Tax for those who work in West Grove Borough.
This tax is $52.00 a year.  Employers are by law to take these two taxes out of your paycheck.

Local Office:
780 Miles Road
West Chester, PA  19380
Phone: 610-269-4402 or 888-519-3903

Zoning Officer/Building Inspector:
Building Inspection Underwriters

Emergency Response Coordinator:
Charles Freese, Coordinator
Scott McLimans, Deputy Coordinator
Chip Freese, Assistant Deputy Coordinator

Borough & Authority Solicitors:

Lamb McErlane PC
Helen J. Esbenshade, Esquire

Borough Auditors:
BBD, LLP of Philadelphia 

Borough of West Grove’s Right to Know Officer:
Trisha Opio
117 Rosehill Avenue,
P O Box 61
West Grove, PA 19390
Phone: 610-869-2792
Fax: 610-869-4138
Right to Know Request Form

Office Of Open Records:
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Office of Open Records
333 Market Street, 16th Floor
Harrisburg, PA 17101-2234
Phone: 717-346-9903
Right to Know
Executive Director: Liz Wagenseller
Deputy Director: Barry Fox

Borough & Authority Engineer:
Hanover Engineering Assoc. Inc.
Farley F. Fry, P.E.

Borough Authority:
Christopher Freese, Chairman
Mark Johnson, Secretary
Vacant, Member

Zoning Hearing Board:
Donna Pilson, Chairman
Daniel O’Connell
Matthew Wood

West Grove Fire Marshall:
John Chambers

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